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About the project

renewable energy

About: Hakkımda

Specifically, our project will pursue the following objectives:

- examining alternative energy sources according to their return time, greenhouse gas emissions and

electricity generation cost indicators

- examining the share of energy sources in electricity production and energy dependency for the

European Union and Turkey

- promoting investments in renewable energy sources to reduce this dependency

- supporting and promoting the development of renewable resources

- extending the knowledge and understanding of phenomena

- developing the capacity to explore/investigate reality

- developing analytical and problem-solving skills

- raising interest in achievements and discoveries in sciences

- increasing motivation for information and scientific documentation

- developing care for one's own, others and environment

- developing tolerance towards the opinions of others

- cultivating responsiveness and flexibility for the application of knowledge in everyday life

- raising awareness and involvement in issues of global interest

- developing 21st century skills, such as creativity and innovation, critical thinking, communication

and collaboration, flexibility and adaptability, initiative and autonomy, productivity and responsibility,

leadership and responsibility

- at least 125 students and 65 teachers from the partners schools with: improved knowledge, skills

and competences in the field of renewable energy sources; competences and skills in the field of

investigating/exploring the reality, critical thinking, problem solving; 21st century skills; ICT and

communication skills; social and transcultural skills

- at least 125 students and 65 teachers from partners schools will: raise their interest and motivation

for studying sciences and develop curiosity and respect for nature; become tolerant towards the

opinions of others; become more responsible when it comes to the application of knowledge in

everyday life; become more involved in solving global issues

- logo and slogan

- Erasmus+ corner

- website, eTwinning, Facebook page

- posters, leaflets, flyers, magazines, guides, resource book, etc.

- presentations

- seminars

- advertising campaigns

- interviews

- power generator, etc

All partners have experienced in the field of renewable energy and all have concluded that their

efforts were insufficient. Thus, there is a common need that partners want to answer. The target

group consists of students, secondary school teachers, as well as parents and local community, who

care less about where the energy comes from. We want to change this by involving them in a wide

range of project activities to help them develop a broad range of competencies in the field of

environmental protection and use of renewable energy sources. Following activities, we expect

excellent results among our target groups.

About: Metin
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